All Around and High Point Winners
Small Fry - Freckles Little Itch - Henlee Brittenham
Novice Amateur - AnotherDayInParadise - Jenny Dobbratz
Amateur Walk Trot - Tunel Vision - Hannah Warren
Western Horse - AnotherDayInParadise - Jenny Dobbratz
English Horse - Gimmethreesteps - Ava Woody
Ranch Horse - Shine Mega Shine - Kathryne Zachrich
Rope High Point - Jacks Jazzman - Troy Brittain
Youth Walk Trot - The Line Starts Here - Reese Groome
Novice Youth - Cant Stop Wont Stop - Ella Forehand
Amateur Select - Ima Chic Wrangler - Terri Taffer
Amateur - Out Whiz The Chics - Caren Tibet
Youth - Mecom A Doonsmal - Margaret Collins